Saturday, April 22, 2006

Well I never...!

There's a report in this month New Scientist that researchers from the University of The Bleeding Obvious (well, Amsterdam anyway!) have looked at the words that bloggers use. Amongst the amazing facts they have unearthed is that the word drunk appears in blogs more often at the weekend.

What other revelations are they likely to have discovered?

The word "Christmas" appears more often in December
Blogs by teenage boys link to porn sites more often than any other group
Students use the word "shower" less than other bloggers
The word moron occurs most often in blogs about George Bush
French speakers use "bonjour" more than others
"Done a poo" appears in posts by Scaryduck more often than any other person
The Welsh use less vowels than other people
Sunderland fans hardly ever use the word "goal"
The words "mutton" and "lamb" appear most frequently in blogs about Madonna

Next months study: Why do men look at pictures of naked women?


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