Sunday, April 23, 2006

Video Mash-Ups!

Theres a new trend developing amongst mash-up artists. Instead of mixing music tracks together, they're mixing films together to make all new trailers for films that don't actually exist.

This one is a remix of Leonardo DiCaprio movies to make a trailer for "Titanic 2: The Surface."

You can also see Sleepless in Seattle re-mixed as a stalker movie or "Back to the Future" and "Brokeback Mountain" re-mixed as the first gay cowboy time travel film Brokeback to the Future.

I love this idea, but what other films could be mashed?

It's a Wonderful Life of Brian
Licence to Kill a Mockingbird
Raging Bullitt
The Princess Bride of Frankenstein
All the President's Men in Black
Groundhog Day of the Jackal
Remains of the Day the Earth Stood Still
Singin' in the Rainman

I'm ready for my Close-up Now, Mr DeMille.


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