Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Many Happy Returns!

Today was my birthday. My 40th birthday.

The day itself was great and I was suitably spoiled by my friends and family. For my main present I'm being taken to Budapest for a long weekend at the end of next week and I have other stuff happening this coming weekend apparently!

However, one present so far stands out. I was taken by a friend to the offices of Red Dragon Radio in Cardiff where I was one of only around a dozen people in a specially invited audience to watch Goldie Lookin' Chain perform three tracks for the station. They performed Your Missus is a Nutter, Maggot at Midnight and RnB and looked like they were having a really good laugh.

I got to meet the boys who signed a bunch of stuff for me and wished me happy birthday. They came across as a really normal down-to-earth bunch of lads. It's true what they say* you can take the boy out of Wales but you'll never take Wales out of the boy.

You knows it!


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