Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Someone's Looking At You

Here's a freaky thing.

A friend of a friend (no really!) has discovered that people are researching him on the WWW, not only that but there is a forum dedicated to finding out more about him. He only discovered this when his daughter Googled his name and found the posts that had been left.

In a his younger days he made musical instruments (squeezeboxes if you must know) for a short period of time, having been taught by (I think) his father-in-law. These squeezeboxes have come in to the hands of collectors and they want to know more about them. What they do know is that they seem to be based on the design and components of those made by his father-in-law, but everything after that is speculation.

It is surreal to read this posts offering information (most of it wrong) about where he lived, what his name may or may not have been, why he made so few, etc.

It looks like he has a dilemma. Should he post to the forum and prick the bubble of speculation or should he remain the enigma and hope that his instruments gain an air or mystery because of it.

What would you do?


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