Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year!

So Happy 2006!

New year, new opportunities and maybe a chance to sort out a few things. Looking back 2005 wasn't the best year for me. I've got myself in to some serious financial difficulties, lost the LOML (sort of linked to the financial thing) and pretty much lost direction.

Christmas was tough this year. I've never been a particularly big fan of Christmas as a general rule and this one felt particularly gloomy what with the lack of funds and all that. Friends were fab though. All the people who are important to me wanted to see me and invited me round, I even got to have two Christmas dinners which (as everyone do kno) is the best bit of Christmas anyway. It's strange watching the people around you enjoying this time of year when all you really want to do is pull the covers over your head and wait for it all to go away. One year I'm determined to find the Christmas spirit inside me and have good time with everyone else. Maybe this year eh!

The new year is supposed to give everyone a fresh start so here a few goals for 2006.

Stop smoking (should never have started again)
Lose weight (about a stone should do it)
Start cooking again (possible conflict there!)
Start writing again
Find a new LOML (and try not to lose this one)
Sort out the money thing
Get a new job

All of these are do-able if only I'm willing to get off my backside and put some effort in.


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