Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Top three....!

Here is a list of my favourite top three causes of accidents in the UK. All of these statistics are for 2002 and have been collated from the RoSPA website.

902 people injured themselves on an air freshener
An increase of 74% from the previous year. When will the makers of air fresheners realise that they can't just gamble with the health and safety of the nation like this. Expect petitions and marches on parliament.

513 people injured themselves on a packet of biscuits.
Although this is a reduction of 18% from 2001, the figures are still a concern. I have said on more than one occassion that chocolate hobnobs should be sold with safety gloves and glasses. Is no-one thinking of the children?

2747 people injured themselves on grass cuttings
Incredibly an increase of 170% on the previous year demonstrates that the authorities are still refusing to take this problem seriously. How many more people have to suffer before the threat that grass cuttings pose to us all is recognised?

I think congratulations are in order for the manufacturers of biscuits for the obvious hard work they have put in to making their packaging safer. Although the other conclusion we can draw is that people who are dumb enough to injure themselves on a packet of biscuits probably died later in the year in a horrendous grass cutting related accident.

It's natural selection at it's most effective.


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